marți, 30 martie 2010

Work in Progress

jumatate din ceva in curs de scriere
o porcarie domnule'

De ce pierd ce-mi este drag
Agatandu-ma(-n) in suspine
Umbrele la inimi trag
Cautand sa le aline
Suntem zei fara valoare
Consumati de neputinta
Traim sub propria acuzare
Gasind refugiu in fiinta

luni, 29 martie 2010


I have no ideea what this is sorry :/

I'd sell my smile to buy one tear
And satisfy my starving lips
Deprive me from this lustfull fear
Innocence fallen in eclipse
Free me from these falling tides
Which scar my wants with violent needs
As passion into sin collides
Consumes my heart until it bleeds
Captive in this painfull dream
Embrace desire as it feeds
Tortured down to voiceless screams
Hope is deaf to all your pleads
Backwards in your final step
A breath away from your salvation
You grew too fond of your damnation
A sould addicted to temptation

duminică, 21 martie 2010

Stuff Old & New

While others live their dreams, i survive my nightmares

Life is the sum of the memories of yesterday, smiles of today, and breath-away's of tomorrow

Older one:
Even if our body was made of steel, our minds made of gold, our heart would still be made of glass , glass which can only be shaped by the fire in your kiss, the water in your tears and the touch of your soul as it embraces mine ...
P.S. for a.

This week's crappy poem
In the sunset i will fade
My violent end which scars the sky
Made my silent getaway
Rapture in the form of lies

Hide behind two broken masks
I am shattered, lost my face
Wandering through the things i've lost
As my heartbeats breathe in waste

Memories I've come to see
Moments since I took first breath
Fading as they're piercing me
Draining all that i have left

Upon my final resting place
One last thing before I'm gone
One last breath to see your face,
On which the sunrise shines upon
habar nu am sincer despre ce e e random si fara sens ...