Partea I
to express the end of an era
end of 2010
Sunt gol, dar cad incendiat
Dinspre cer iar inspre rai,
Strapuns, iubit, insangerat,
Hranesc vise far' de grai.
Le dau aripi de hartie,
Tradez pentru sublimul trai,
Cer dreptul la nebunie,
Erou invins de-o amintire.
Cad, taiat de tragedie
Lacrimi, plata pe iubire
Au secat al meu avant,
Strang la piept o amagire,
Cu aripi frante, cad infrant
Spre raiul ce-l numim pamant.
Part II in 2011 let's see what changes
vineri, 31 decembrie 2010
miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010
O noua chestie
fara titlu ...
Strâng în brațe mâna
Ce mă ține la pământ,
Chinui animalul viu
Doar pentru un vis flămând.
Dulce consumat de lacrimi
Sub un zâmbet tremurând,
Sărutul tău fără de chip
Buze reci pe buze arzând.
Trup pictat în tragedie
Și vândut spre consumare
De iubire angajat
Într-o falsă alinare.
Incendiat în interior
Dar atingerea-nghețată
Iubit de al tău sânge rece
În inima-mi curată.
miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010
La intamplare
citate gasite si chestii la intamplare scrise de mine
" vom vietui iubind senin/ si inima-mi curata / cu cel del urma al tau suspin/ va inceta sa bata "
" e mai usor sa pacatuiesti impotriva adevarului decat impotriva frumosului "
" a defini inseamna a banui "
"cat suntem noi nu e moartea si cat e moartea nu suntem noi "
" spiritul e o flacara ce consuma trupul pana la stingere "
" in general sufletul omenesc este foarte deficient in materie de obiectivitate "
" te-am iubit si nopti, dar te-am iubit si zile"
" maine e o noua zi in care nu ai gresit inca "
chestii la intamplare ale mele
- " toate marile realizari stau sub semnul durerii "
- idei ce vroiam sa le pun cap la cap pentru o poezie dar nu pot :
" avand ca tinta tragedie" " decat de ochii care plang " " am tras in inima-mi un glonte ce se numea iubire " " buzele cer ratiunea piere "
- " your lips are still my favorite place "
" vom vietui iubind senin/ si inima-mi curata / cu cel del urma al tau suspin/ va inceta sa bata "
" e mai usor sa pacatuiesti impotriva adevarului decat impotriva frumosului "
" a defini inseamna a banui "
"cat suntem noi nu e moartea si cat e moartea nu suntem noi "
" spiritul e o flacara ce consuma trupul pana la stingere "
" in general sufletul omenesc este foarte deficient in materie de obiectivitate "
" te-am iubit si nopti, dar te-am iubit si zile"
" maine e o noua zi in care nu ai gresit inca "
chestii la intamplare ale mele
- " toate marile realizari stau sub semnul durerii "
- idei ce vroiam sa le pun cap la cap pentru o poezie dar nu pot :
" avand ca tinta tragedie" " decat de ochii care plang " " am tras in inima-mi un glonte ce se numea iubire " " buzele cer ratiunea piere "
- " your lips are still my favorite place "
marți, 28 septembrie 2010
Chestii noi
ceva prostii pe aici
why does it matter what i look like, when it's my eyes that you face, my arms your embrace, my lips that you taste, my heart that you race, my dreams that you chase
Every hero has his journey... to bad some can't find the road
I only fear death, for it is the only thing that so strongly deprives the heart from beating for another.
we are two broken strings on a guitar that used to sing about love; or so i thought... in reality our songs were different, our words became dreams, our dreams became deceptions, because my notes sang about love, while yours just faked it
just sat and watched me burn, as my tears became bullets, piercing my
cheeks, returning to my heart, passing away, then being reborn within my
eyes, in an infinite circle of sorrow, as my lips turned to blades, and
i Just Wanted to Kiss You, and my eyes turned into empty shooting
stars, because so many wishes were wasted
currently working on a new poem
why does it matter what i look like, when it's my eyes that you face, my arms your embrace, my lips that you taste, my heart that you race, my dreams that you chase
Every hero has his journey... to bad some can't find the road
I only fear death, for it is the only thing that so strongly deprives the heart from beating for another.
we are two broken strings on a guitar that used to sing about love; or so i thought... in reality our songs were different, our words became dreams, our dreams became deceptions, because my notes sang about love, while yours just faked it
just sat and watched me burn, as my tears became bullets, piercing my
cheeks, returning to my heart, passing away, then being reborn within my
eyes, in an infinite circle of sorrow, as my lips turned to blades, and
i Just Wanted to Kiss You, and my eyes turned into empty shooting
stars, because so many wishes were wasted
currently working on a new poem
duminică, 27 iunie 2010
si dupa o lunga pauza, o poezie inceputa prin mai , si finalizata doar in la sfarsitul lui iunie ( sesiune ) ... recunosc ca vroiam sa o las balta pentru ca nu aveam idei ... dar a aparut si motivatia la un moment dat
- Fara titlu - nu stiu inca ma gandesc la "Iubesc, dar ... "
Insetat de lacrimi dulci,
Flamanzit de fericire,
Inselat ca sa distrugi
De ceea ce numesti iubire.
Ramai rece la chemare
Si te stingi pentr-o dorinta,
Zambet prins in acuzare,
Avand vointa-n suferinta
Cand iubim o consecinta.
Buzele cersesc durerea
Inecate in suspine,
Se jertfesc pentru placerea,
Ce promite sa le-aline.
Un singur drum spre sacrificiu,
Si-o mana intisa-n asteptare,
Ce vei fi pentru-acest viciu
Rasarit sub intrebare
Sau apus cu motivare?
- Fara titlu - nu stiu inca ma gandesc la "Iubesc, dar ... "
Insetat de lacrimi dulci,
Flamanzit de fericire,
Inselat ca sa distrugi
De ceea ce numesti iubire.
Ramai rece la chemare
Si te stingi pentr-o dorinta,
Zambet prins in acuzare,
Avand vointa-n suferinta
Cand iubim o consecinta.
Buzele cersesc durerea
Inecate in suspine,
Se jertfesc pentru placerea,
Ce promite sa le-aline.
Un singur drum spre sacrificiu,
Si-o mana intisa-n asteptare,
Ce vei fi pentru-acest viciu
Rasarit sub intrebare
Sau apus cu motivare?
miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010
Regrete ( Finalizata )
De ce pierd ce-mi este drag
Agatandu-ma(-n) in suspine
Umbrele la inimi trag
Cautand sa le aline
Suntem zei fara valoare
Consumati de neputinta
Traim sub propria acuzare
Gasind refugiu in fiinta
Si traim in amintiri
Timpul trece sa aline
Cu violente razvratiri
Printre lacrimi si suspine
Atunci cand fericirea doare
Si buzele nu mai respira
Ingenuncheat in toata ta splendoare
Sub umbrele ce te iubira
Agatandu-ma(-n) in suspine
Umbrele la inimi trag
Cautand sa le aline
Suntem zei fara valoare
Consumati de neputinta
Traim sub propria acuzare
Gasind refugiu in fiinta
Si traim in amintiri
Timpul trece sa aline
Cu violente razvratiri
Printre lacrimi si suspine
Atunci cand fericirea doare
Si buzele nu mai respira
Ingenuncheat in toata ta splendoare
Sub umbrele ce te iubira
marți, 30 martie 2010
Work in Progress
jumatate din ceva in curs de scriere
o porcarie domnule'
De ce pierd ce-mi este drag
Agatandu-ma(-n) in suspine
Umbrele la inimi trag
Cautand sa le aline
Suntem zei fara valoare
Consumati de neputinta
Traim sub propria acuzare
Gasind refugiu in fiinta
o porcarie domnule'
De ce pierd ce-mi este drag
Agatandu-ma(-n) in suspine
Umbrele la inimi trag
Cautand sa le aline
Suntem zei fara valoare
Consumati de neputinta
Traim sub propria acuzare
Gasind refugiu in fiinta
luni, 29 martie 2010
I have no ideea what this is sorry :/
I'd sell my smile to buy one tear
And satisfy my starving lips
Deprive me from this lustfull fear
Innocence fallen in eclipse
Free me from these falling tides
Which scar my wants with violent needs
As passion into sin collides
Consumes my heart until it bleeds
Captive in this painfull dream
Embrace desire as it feeds
Tortured down to voiceless screams
Hope is deaf to all your pleads
Backwards in your final step
A breath away from your salvation
You grew too fond of your damnation
A sould addicted to temptation
I'd sell my smile to buy one tear
And satisfy my starving lips
Deprive me from this lustfull fear
Innocence fallen in eclipse
Free me from these falling tides
Which scar my wants with violent needs
As passion into sin collides
Consumes my heart until it bleeds
Captive in this painfull dream
Embrace desire as it feeds
Tortured down to voiceless screams
Hope is deaf to all your pleads
Backwards in your final step
A breath away from your salvation
You grew too fond of your damnation
A sould addicted to temptation
duminică, 21 martie 2010
Stuff Old & New
While others live their dreams, i survive my nightmares
Life is the sum of the memories of yesterday, smiles of today, and breath-away's of tomorrow
Older one:
Even if our body was made of steel, our minds made of gold, our heart would still be made of glass , glass which can only be shaped by the fire in your kiss, the water in your tears and the touch of your soul as it embraces mine ...
P.S. for a.
This week's crappy poem
In the sunset i will fade
My violent end which scars the sky
Made my silent getaway
Rapture in the form of lies
Hide behind two broken masks
I am shattered, lost my face
Wandering through the things i've lost
As my heartbeats breathe in waste
Memories I've come to see
Moments since I took first breath
Fading as they're piercing me
Draining all that i have left
Upon my final resting place
One last thing before I'm gone
One last breath to see your face,
On which the sunrise shines upon
habar nu am sincer despre ce e e random si fara sens ...
While others live their dreams, i survive my nightmares
Life is the sum of the memories of yesterday, smiles of today, and breath-away's of tomorrow
Older one:
Even if our body was made of steel, our minds made of gold, our heart would still be made of glass , glass which can only be shaped by the fire in your kiss, the water in your tears and the touch of your soul as it embraces mine ...
P.S. for a.
This week's crappy poem
In the sunset i will fade
My violent end which scars the sky
Made my silent getaway
Rapture in the form of lies
Hide behind two broken masks
I am shattered, lost my face
Wandering through the things i've lost
As my heartbeats breathe in waste
Memories I've come to see
Moments since I took first breath
Fading as they're piercing me
Draining all that i have left
Upon my final resting place
One last thing before I'm gone
One last breath to see your face,
On which the sunrise shines upon
habar nu am sincer despre ce e e random si fara sens ...
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