Se pare ca poezii
Hmmm, poate va ganditit ca "mai scrie cineva asa ceva in zilele noastre?"
eh mai sunt cativa dar putini
Majoritatea nu cred ca vor avea vreun sens pentru restul persoanelor, si oricum majoritatea sunt in engleza asa ca daca nu stiti limba, ati luat teapa
Oricum scuze pentru eventualele greseli de scriere etc. nu am timp sau chef sa le corectez
Un cer albastru, adanc , pustiu
Un deja-vu, trecut, tarziu
Un val de umbre, negru , dens
Asterne vorbe fara sens
O lacrima s-a pierdut in mare
O raza a cazut din soare
Realitati pierdute-n vis
In negura uitari inchis
Pasiune ascunsa, arzatoare
Ce ardea toropitoare
Stinsa de o lacrima amara
In zorii unei nopti de vara
Caci mereu lipsa iubirii
O tristete-a nemuririi
Va taia si va ucide
Pasiunea unei minti lucide
Un desert pustiu, in fata mea
o mare de lacrimi, pierduta-n urma mea
doar intuneric, adus din cer de-un vant
si un fior rece, venind de sub pamant
caci tu ai plecat m-ai parasit
si m-ai lasat de simturi pustiit
rupturi de vorbe last in urma ta
adio ... nu ... te voi ... uita
ai parasi nevrand acest pamant
zburand lin, pe un ultim gand
mergand pe ultimul tau drum
fara un ultim ramas-bun
lasand doar amintirea ta zglobie
toate tie le datorez doar tie
te voi pastra nemuritoare
intr-un zambet sub apus de soare
By you and me
It's pouring down
Tears on the ground
They're riding on a creek
Made by cracks in concrete
And as they drop
They make a beat
Which tells in-depth
The story of the street
Where we last meet
Under that sunset
Under which our "we"
Turned into "you" and "me"
Where "you" and "me"
Were riding on a goodbye
Heading two separate ways
Making our "we"cry
"Me" cried all that day
When "you" went far away
His tears left marks on the ground
Each hiding a sound
So every time it rains
Each drop will play it's sound
The ballad of our "we"
By "you" and "me"
To soul, signed : you
to fly on thoughts in lack of wings
to see beauty in little things
to always give instea of take
to show regret behind mistake
to see sunshine above rusty skies
to tell the truth instead of lies
to find true glory in modesty
to open hearts without a key
to get up when fallen down
to always smile and never frown
to wipe your tears when you might cry
you're a soul :) you never die
U nmask your heart, rebirth your smile
O vercome your grizzled grief
Y ou might just be a secret that
E very lover's lips must keep
V alentine of an angel's kiss
O versoul of an imperfect bliss
L ook , i just want to tell you that ...
I don't know how i could say
S. o hard to describe, so hard to deny
P. ut my heart into this so just give it a try:
- Thank You -
At night i wish i'd catch a star
And make a song for my guitar
So i can thank You for helping me
With smiles in my life's diary
And when daylight comes
I finally fall asleep
Praying to You
You're running through my thoughts
My every memory
Come to my rescue
You're the air beneath my wings
The breath inside that gives me life
My Savior , thank You
You're the echo that my heart sings
The flame that keeps my soul alive
And I pray to You
I pray to you
You set upon my shoulder wings
So i could catch stars traveling
And find my star from high afar
And write a song for my guitar
So now i write
You're the air beneath my wings
The breath inside that gives me life
My Savior , thank You
You're the echo that my heart sings
The flame that keeps my soul alive
And I pray to You
I pray to you
- What is dream -
Have you ever wondered
What dreams are for
A fountain for our wishes
Our heart's wide open door
So how could i describe it
Using just simple words
Reflection of desire
Well i guess that works
So keep dreaming
'Cuz it's dreams that gives freedom wings
A tune to which your soul can sing
It's dreams that keep your hopes alive
They're the things that make you wish
In life
Dreams are like diaries
Keeping secrets under key
Until your mind goes to bed
And your heart wakes up instead
And if you miss your love
There's a place where you can meet
Dreams can spawn the miles
Faster than a heartbeat
So keep dreaming
'Cuz it's dreams that gives freedom wings
A tune to which your soul can sing
It's dreams that keep your hopes alive
They're the things that make you wish
In life
So dream on
dream on
Frozen in time , i stop and stare
Drowning in thoughts , fighting for air
I'm paralyzed between two heartbeats
Silence my only light
I'm empty as the seashore
Right before the tide
The words your lips have spoken
Have moved me down to tears
They made me feel heartbroken
They left me prey to fears
Goodbye's only bring grief
Happiness's feared thief
And as you turn and walk away
I stand frozen on the spot
Your tide has left me lost at sea
Heartbreak's a 2 second tragedy
Untitled 1
you've painted my world in deep shades of blue
i lost all my dreams, all that was true
and when you told me all we had was through
just four words on my lips, "i still love you"
as the ashes still burn in my dreams
thinking our life is more than it seems
alone in my room, drowning in tears
where are you now, to chase all my fears
as night passes, i just reach out for more
for you i sill love, and trust and adore
dust to dust, lovers to friends
can you truly say : "now here it ends"
not having you means a dark lonely place
because no one's love could ever take your place
as rain falls i stand surrounded in its misery
for i shall never kow love's true mistery
and in the end they say love never dies
but can you see the tears my soul cries
it wasn't worth not even a try
so now i stand, crying, alone
watching only angels fly
Untitled 2
stars follow the moment of your soul
they rejoyce with the deepest emotions
like the rainbow's colours on the skies unroll
stars are blured by your heart's moving motions
emotions are like feathers on the wings of life
they fall off as you surrender to despair
cut down by lonelines's old rusted knife
no one said that destiny's always fair
sit down and listen to the song of the stars
following the path of love's deep sensations
they cure the soul of loneliness and scars
saving your heart from the sea of desperation
sea of tears shed alone by my heart
tears of water but also two made of blood
and when they dried out, left two islands apart
two destinyes broken, my love and your heart
When things go wrong
sorry i never told you, all i had to say
now we depart, each on their way
suffering and sorrow now fill my heart
which one rejoiced, now torn apart
someday you'll be shining down from heaven
i still long for that day, we'll be together
but my hope is lost, darkness breaks through
through greif and tears, still thinking of you
i always wanted to sign your lips with mine
with one simple kiss help our hearts align
you're all that i knew, a rebirth of my dreams
a burst of my soul, a goddes of tears
your love has been like a rebirth of space
you created a sun which enlightened my face
you gathered the stars all in your eyes
you're love couldn't be measured in depth nor in size
alone, hurt but still thinking of you
because of your leave my heart shattered in two
but you showed me the way to touch all my dreams
so i can still feel you take birth in my tears
you walked a thousand miles
you sailed a thousand seas
never finding who you are
just who you want to be
your mind sinks in illusion
which scars your heart with daunt
decadence of a dauntless spirit
enslaved by chains of fear and doubt
you search for who you want to be
look high and low look near and far
defy the things that keep you blind
just be the best of who you are
you mirror God's mercifull face
you're a moonbeam giving light to stars
the sum of spirit mind and heart
you're perfect just the way you are
and in heaven on that faithfull day
having passed your life's exam
down on bended knee you'll say
"thank you God, for who i am"
You can't
you can't stop the fall
of tears meant to be cried
you can't stop your thought
from humming through your mind
you can't stop a star
from sailing on a cloudy night
you can't stop the breath
that gives you life from deep inside
you can't blaim the breeze
for cooling down a summer night
you can't blaim the clouds
for beeing born with gift of flight
you can't blaim sorrow
for hiding you behind it's mask
you can't blaim a broken heart
for hiding in an iron cast
you can't see blood or broken hearts
before you cause the pain
you can't see the way it ends
before you play the game
you can't see above the clouds
the sunlight and it's sky so blue
you can't see how much i
have gained from loving you